Was up at quarter past five this morning. Joint SCA / OCA cat show in Moulton - travelled with a friend who picked me and Lexi up just before seven. Good job my friend's car has got air con as it was scorching early doors and worse coming home...
Lexi got the reserve Grand in both shows, BOB in both and a first in each of her two side classes. Not bad considering the disaster at CamCats. She was a bit whingey and whiney, but the hall was so hot, so not entirely surprised. Ended up helping with the results board plus sorting prize cards and rosettes. Lexi got a lovely special from one of her judges which was a really nice touch. I don't get specials come my way very often, so it means a lot when they do.
I have also somehow managed to get myself roped into stewarding at the Eastern Counties.
Gonna have a quiet evening and watch Trooping the Colour on i-player.
Oh, and Poppy has stolen the valerian mouse I'd bought for my neighbour's cat.