morning all. cold and very windy here with rain enough in the air to keep you inside, but not enough to actually get anything wet enough to collect rain water or water the ground. Just enough to get you too wet to work in the high winds. Glad my satellite engineer was here 2 days early. If he was trying to be on the roof today he wouldn't even get the ladders off his vehicle!
now to work out how to time my downloads to be between 1am and 7am so that I can get my off peak hours data used rather than my on-peak hours data which is much lower!
And please don't tell me to use Firefox, I hate it.
I've edited the task scheduler entry for windows updates and I reckon things like iTunes downloads can be set going, then iTunes closed which will stop the downloads. Then use task scheduler to restart iTunes at 1:30am in the morning... I have located an add-on for MS Edge which appears to allow me to set up download queues and set times for them. Just have to work out how to use it and see if it is worth the $5.99 they ask for.
But I need to have another warm drink, locate another top to wear to keep warm and get some seeds planted in the veg plot and then promptly cover them over to stop the chooks eating them because my OH has not yet fenced in the veg plot. And my back is playing up again - or should I say still? It has been awkward for the last couple of weeks but is better than it was last week so we seem to be getting over the issue of me doing too much 2 weeks ago and upsetting it.
anyhow - hi all and sorry I couldn't read all of the 112 messages since my last appearance here...