Return to work looks like 20th June, which fits in with hospital appointments and more physio !!
Slightly later than I wanted, but hey ho.
I've just seen copies of the police reports and witness statements. What a mess and so poor. Driver behind me has drawn a shockingly bad picture of 3 dots, places the other car on my side of the road, with me to the right (not left) then writes underneath "I don't know who was on the inside". Original police report on the day is helpful, both witnesses say driver turned and hit cyclist. Other witness was a pedestrian that doesn't have a driving license and thinks I should have been able to stop when the driver turned. Nope.
The quality of the reports is very poor, just a couple of sentences.
Police report shows damage to front nearside of car and scrapes on wing mirror. This would tally with the scratches on the right side of my carbon fork blade, and probably my body hitting the bonnet/a-pillar and wing mirror.