Argh, did way too much yesterday. In agony. Stayed in bed but got a call from School - my lad has forgotten his blood test meter.
sorry to hear that... and snap - the movers were here and then we opted for lunch out and suitcase shopping...
Today the cleaner is working extra time here most of the day and I can't get to bed until she leaves.
I'm looking forward to it very shortly, whether she has left or not, along with a good dose of morphine!
But I need to sort my meds out for tomorrow 7am when I have a dr's appointment to say I'm leaving the country please can I have 3 months supply and I will need a letter for the 3 lots of morphine I take (2 different types and one of those in 2 different doses) plus the additional items from the severe asthma clinic which my local dr's took off my repeat prescription so they are no longer covered (things like my prednisolone and various antibiotics) and then I would like some diazepam which I certainly need a dr's letter for just to get into Australia because it is a controlled drug and heavily restricted at airports and the like... will set the sniffer dogs on alert! oh fun.