Whilst pegging out washing... and stood on a stall when it is peeing with rain (but they wont let you leave) usually at the village market, when I get 2 hours to stand and chat with the Old Lady Mafia of the village drinking coffee.
It is just a lot of work at the moment, getting enough stock made and getting a small business off the ground. In 3 weeks I shall be packing for a weekend child free away in london (unless my unrelaible friend cancels) where I shall be me for a whole weekend, no work, no kids, no parents & new underwear!

For a couple of nights of shenanigans.
It also does not help Mum told my sis-in-law this weekend was a good weekend to come which it is not with me having 2 shows in a row at weekends and Mum being off work this week has meant she has interupted my work lots so I am behind...