Mundane News

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
My employers came out today. Going to look to get back to work part time for a while and hopefully be back in May sometime.

Had my first private physio session, and as suspected my back muscles are incredibly tense. The work he did on my back was quite painful, but I feel a million times better now. Another appointment next week.

Very different to the NHS physio. He said you need to exercise and it's going to be painful and hard work, but don't push through the pain, ease off. NHS physio said do less !!
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I've just realised it's Saturday for us too tomorrow :hyper:. Anyway, time for beddybyes, lots to do in the morning.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
We've had juddering pipes for a while but I've not been able to investigate it. Noticed it was always when using the hot water. Traced the pipe in the airing cupboard and it runs to the header tank. So up into the roof, opened the tank, and pressed the float valve. Cue a loud vibration. Popped off the ball cock, and the rubber valve was slightly coarse and worn. Off to the DIY shop, £10 for a complete new modern valve and float, 10 minutes and fixed. Quiet pipes.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I just need an M and I will have completed 20 heart shaped bunting letters for my stall... no more Big Bad tonight between the donk donk donk and my bloody eyes I fear I may have no sanity left if I do the M...
We've had juddering pipes for a while but I've not been able to investigate it. Noticed it was always when using the hot water. Traced the pipe in the airing cupboard and it runs to the header tank. So up into the roof, opened the tank, and pressed the float valve. Cue a loud vibration. Popped off the ball cock, and the rubber valve was slightly coarse and worn. Off to the DIY shop, £10 for a complete new modern valve and float, 10 minutes and fixed. Quiet pipes.

We had that once landlord refused to fix it for quite some time... it used to make a loud knocking noise throughout the house, which was a pain because it meant no hot water running once small people were asleep.

I could never be disappointed by you.

Oh I think you could :laugh:

Saturday tomorrow :smile:

Tis Thursday again here, I have doctors with Dad and to sort for Fridays market and Rocky Road to make to pay the graphic designer who is sorting the right scaling for my banner... and stuff lots of stuff as usual.... and to remove my eyeballs...

MY cats? Happy as pigs in 5hite

Cats are doing this


Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I had nice weather, and my trip to the state capitol was cancelled, moved back two weeks. I took advantage of brilliant weather, and cut the lawn. I also worked in a bike ride. I think I'll start commuting from work to Mrs. GA's office tomorrow. My bum leg needs the exercise.


It's been Saturday all week. I've just had 3 Saturdays relaxing with my parents. Three Saturdays left. The bearings are going on the fan in my car, making a whining noise. I was worried on the way home so Mr K told me (via text to Miss K who was in the car with me) to dribble some oil from the dip stick into the back of the fan motor. I did it once in a lay by on the A34 and once at Hilton Park services. It worked very well. He's ordered a new fan off t'internet.
I just need an M and I will have completed 20 heart shaped bunting letters for my stall... no more Big Bad tonight between the donk donk donk and my bloody eyes I fear I may have no sanity left if I do the M...

We had that once landlord refused to fix it for quite some time... it used to make a loud knocking noise throughout the house, which was a pain because it meant no hot water running once small people were asleep.

Oh I think you could :laugh:

Tis Thursday again here, I have doctors with Dad and to sort for Fridays market and Rocky Road to make to pay the graphic designer who is sorting the right scaling for my banner... and stuff lots of stuff as usual.... and to remove my eyeballs...

Cats are doing this

You got a new critter????
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