We've already had a heavy shower since I woke up! I was hoping it was going to be a nice day!
I hope the ill
@User14044 and injured
@Puddles are feeling a little better today
All I can say is OW! Bits hurt lots especially my elbow, which I would not want to lean on, but I can straighten it, and have no hand/arm issues so I am sure it is just badly bruised... on the upside... I slept lots, from about 8.30-9 last night to 7.30 this morning

which is a rare and welcome happening for me cos of insomnia.
Only chauffering to the Doctors today for a hormone injection for Dad and shops for copious amounts of milk to restock the fridge and then we shall be doing other chores and homework things, tis soup & pie (already made) for dinner. I have lots of Mermaid Tails to make up for my Sale and win a towel tail competition thats starts on 31st... and that is about as mundane as it gets today