Mundane News

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Deleted member 1258

I'm at home briefly before hitting the bars and a restauraunt in Leeds. York tomorrow. Budapest on Monday. Le Mans less than two weeks from now. Big Session festival at the end of the month - all events punctuated by shed time.



Welcome to the club. :welcome:


Night all going to bed.Have got a book out of the Library.Arthur C Clarke,Childhood Ends.There is a new syfy series of the same name at the moment which i am recording.But i fancy reading the book.Also i have been feeling crap all day.My own fault,i am going to try and reduce my Cholesterol level and eat less sugary foods.But last night i had a binge.A massive bag of chocolate peanuts and half a bag of jelly babies.I could not finish them.My guts are all over the place.serves me right.So now on a strict less sugar diet.Let's hope i can stick too it.Like i cut out booze four years ago.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Offical Woodrups pie maker ?

Deleted member 1258

Just had a bit of a laugh, my wife showed me a post of a confrontation between an American aircraft carrier and a Spanish lighthouse. It has probably been posted before, it just made me laugh.

Yes Ive seen that, I'm not sure it was on here, it might have been on Facebook
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