Mundane News (Part 1)

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
+remember Newton's Third Law... it'll take your mind off drowning.


Leg End Member
Don't think drowning will get you out of your undulating 25 x 4 ride :giggle:
If she managed to do it in open water first, she'd have no problem in a heated indoor swimming pool. It can be the shock of hitting the cold water that can cause most problems.
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Leg End Member
Just remember to release the spraydeck & perform a forward roll whils upside down & you'll do okay. Try & get out as you're going over can leave you bruised.
Don't forget that there will be a canoe above your head, & you might if you're really skilled, may manage to hit the cockipit on your way to the surface.
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Leg End Member
:rofl::rofl: Yes, I think it might be a dud disc, they normally work no problem.
Only asking because I'd a qualified engineer come out to fix the satellite box & he couldn't understand why the thing wouldn't turn back on. He'd removed the all the leads from the rear, before going out to his van to get some new plugs for the cables & never reattached them!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Mundane news, well, not so mundane news really:

I was in the house myself, about to go to bed, but first filling up buckets of water to change in the fish tank in the morning when I suddenly heard this almighty 'THUMP!' Noise, seemingly from up the stairs. It really sounded like some sort of small explosion.

Now, I have a bit of a fertile imagination when I'm left alone like that at night, so, I was thinking 'oh my! (more like 'Oh crap') What could that be? Has something very large just fallen over (coupled with the question of 'why? Things don't fall over themselves' It sounded like a loaded book shelf or similar!)?? Has something just happened to the house or nearby? Is there someone up there waiting for me? Have I watched too many murder dramas and Crimewatch over the years? How would they have got up there without me noticing? That said I have heard a few strange sounds throughout the evening, so..... Err..... Oh pull yourself together Douglas!'
Watching Taggart et al as a kid seems to have had a lasting impression on me! :laugh::blush:

I went up the stairs and found nothing. So what could it be? Something under the eaves that has gone bang?
I get on the phone to my folks to enquire about anything water wise (I was filling buckets at the time remember) that could do that, but there was nothing they could think of and there was no evidence of water anywhere anyway, so I was told to look outside (which I was about to do anyway).

I go outside and almost immediately I see something that doesn't seem to make sense.
'What am I looking at? I shouldn't be able to see that! Where has the wall gone?'

Almost all of the garden wall has collapsed, toppled to be more exact, still intact into the lane. This wall (or ex wall more like) isn't anything small, our garden is long and narrow, and it circles us on 3 sides. The wall is, however very old and has been falling to bits for years. It has finally given up the ghost on probably the longest side, over 100 feet long!! (I measured it. Ask @Pat "5mph", she has seen the garden!).

No wonder there was a loud noise (which must have gone right through the house, hence why I thought it had come from elsewhere), I don't know how heavy it was, but it must have been quite a substantial amount all falling over at once! I'm just glad nobody was injured (as far as I'm aware).

Now comes the 'what next?' bit. Something would have been had to have been done about it sooner or later anyway.
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Deleted member 1258

Only asking because I'd a qualified engineer come out to fix the satellite box & he couldn't understand why the thing wouldn't turn back on. He'd removed the all the leads from the rear, before going out to his van to get some new plugs for the cables & never reattached them!

Sounds embarrassing.
This one appears to be the player, its one of these DVD player recorder/hard drive recorder things, and its not playing any discs though the hard drive is OK, I get the message this disc can not be played or recorded please check the disc on all discs I try and play.
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