Mundane News (Part 1)

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Harvest moons are also known for being orange or reddish, even in London, but more often int countryside. In the past, this was explained as being due to farmers burning stubble and polluting the atmosphere. These days it's probably more due to diesel fumes.
I'm going to drink diet coke in the pub tonight.

Harvest moons are also known for being orange or reddish, even in London, but more often int countryside. In the past, this was explained as being due to farmers burning stubble and polluting the atmosphere. These days it's probably more due to diesel fumes.
Hmm. Our local ar£sewipe of a farmer - right behind our house - has spent the last 2 weeks burning 3 house-sized pyres of straw. He has pis$ed off everyone within a 5 mile radius :cursing:. We've all been meeting in the pub and having a right good grumble. We smell, our clothes smell, and we've all got chest-pain. The bloke is a barsteward of the highest order. Hoping two very good friends of ours (also farmers) have the opportunity to tell him just how much we like him and how universally popular he is.

Oops. OT. Soz.
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