Mundane News (Part 1)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Surely working for yourself you can dictate when you have time off ?

No the demand for my services dictate when I can have time off, what I do is not like having a retail shop where you can have set hours. If someone calls and has a problem I can either go and fix it or say no, but if I do say no then the is a good chance that I have then lost that customer, also you cant say when something is going to go wrong so xmas is really the only time that people all take time off at the same time.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
No the demand for my services dictate when I can have time off, what I do is not like having a retail shop where you can have set hours. If someone calls and has a problem I can either go and fix it or say no, but if I do say no then the is a good chance that I have then lost that customer, also you cant say when something is going to go wrong so xmas is really the only time that people all take time off at the same time.

Get you. 2 week shut down for you then at xmas. Hope you get to run away and hide.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
We normally finish for Xmas on Xmas Eve around midday depending on when the day is, the last working day is so boring as nobody does any work so this year we are both finishing on the Friday before so we get a longer holiday.

I am due to work this Xmas as i have been away for the last 2 so it's only fair and a lot of my colleagues have children so they should be with them and not at work.
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