Mundane News (Part 1)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I live in a small village , and volunteer for a well known youth Group. I have had a constant abuse from a former leader but
the people above me don't want to help. I'm leaving next year due to the narrow minded idiots, who have populated
the village. Here ends the piffle

That's sad but won't it be the kids that suffer if you are not there ?


Über Member
New Forest
That's sad but won't it be the kids that suffer if you are not there ?
Yep there is not a massive queue behind me . Its cycling's gain though. :bicycle:


Über Member
New Forest
Get the kids out on their bikes.
Nope I'm going to be a selfish bugger and use that time for more riding yay:bicycle:


Re member eR
An apple just dropped of the apple tree in the garden. I know because it landed right next to the dog and scared him sh*tless.
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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I just purchased these

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