Mundane News (Part 1)

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Go on, tilt your head!
Why didn't you answer it?

I wasn't in...I found out when I popped home for lunch and the card was on the side :-(


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Our postie does something different every time. Sometimes it goes to a neighbour and once I even found something in the recycling bin (although that was a dodgy courier I think)

I've found lots of Amazon boxes in the recycling - luckily we hand sort, so it's obvious when they have the stuff still in them!

(as an aside, I know that long paper packing material is eco, but by god, it's annoying then you start pulling it out of a recycling box and find there are about a million yards of it...)




Legendary Member
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
You look like a monkey
And that's a song that used to bring merriment when I was very very many birthdays short of where I now find myself how did that happen?

Also, the dog is snoring and I'm going to bed.
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