Mundane News (Part 1)

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Re member eR
You could offer to help with the sewing :giggle:
I'm already pencilled in for that duty. :sad:

And for that don't get a 'like'


World class procrastinator
I have just learnt that Xanadu actually did, and parts of it still do, exist. I always thought it was sort of a Mongolian Atlantis only above the sea.

Ok that's it for today i can't learn anything else now.
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree :
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
I can't remember the rest but I could look it up I suppose. Poor old Coleridge got half way through writing this when the Person from Porlock came to visit and overstayed his welcome.

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
Just seen this on a retailers website advertising cycling shorts and for some reason it bugs me


Deleted member 1258

I'm having a cleaning day - no room will be spared

We were supposed to be having a cleaning afternoon this afternoon, we got distracted and it didn't happen, I have however shown the lounge the cloth and polish.
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