Mundane News (Part 1)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I'm awake sort of.


Legendary Member
I love Peppermint tea, it's what i drink all day at work.^_^

I have a cup every morning, and often just before I go to bed.


World class procrastinator
Had to be one of your dogs then didn't it. Couldn't possibly be from any other dog in the neighbourhood could it ???

Neighbours, bless them:ninja:
I wrote a note on the reverse suggesting that it could be maybe someone else, after all there are 5 spaniel owners, 3 labrador owners, 1 GSD owner, 1 big brown dog owner, 1 husky owner, 2 dalmation owners. I asked if maybe it could have been one of them. I thanked her for her note and suggested that she may have tried and convicted me in absentia of the crime of putting a poo bag in her bin that was out on the path ready for the bin men.

Is it ok if I scoop all her cat's poo (5 cats) out of my flower beds and bag it and put that in her bin do you think?
I won't do this as I would like to keep friendly with our neighbours. I probably won't post the note back either. I will wait and speak to her like a civil human being. However, the big pot of Jam that I was going to leave her, and the big pot of blackberry chutney has gone back in the cupboard. She can go whistle for the boozy cherries too.
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