Mundane News (Part 1)

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Legendary Member
[QUOTE 2625066, member: 259"]I can't find the plastic tube for the WD40.[/quote]

It'll be on the floor in by the bike tyre.


World class procrastinator
I am bored with dog grooming. I am wondering what I want to be when I'm big.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Small company, small team (about 20 people on this site), and we have a budget for the meal, so we cannot go too crazy, but it is nice to do.
We also have a company away day once a year, where we get flown up to Scotland for "team building" (also lots of food and drink).

Sounds like a good place to work and that the management value their staff. You are lucky there, enjoy.
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