Mundane News (Part 1)

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Leg End Member
10 miles away and I'm not diverting my homeward journey that far as I need my bed more. Due back in work in about 7 hours z zzzzzzzzz
Why not save time, by not going to sleep.


World class procrastinator
All night!
The little freezer box thing is all frozen up and the drip tray beneath is one solid lump of ice. We pulled the plug out at 5ish when we got home and its been gradually defrosting ever since. Getting bored now.
We are doing other things, we are not sitting in the kitchen watching the little freezery bit slowly drip.
Uh? Nmmmm, Nmnmnn, wot me? No.



I know where my towel is
Watching clips from the film Convoy and listening to the theme music.
Breaker 1-9 this here is the Rubber Duck... 10-4 Pig Pen... looks like we got ourselves a convoy.

Now East and Bound and Down by Jerry Reed.

I have no idea why but I find these songs rather catchy.
The films are very cheesy...
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