Mundane News (Part 1)

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Über Member
I can't face a super market today. Looks like a bowl of rice or cous cous for dinner, I didn't even have any super noodles :sad:


OK that's just a bit too wierd. Almost as weird as Tulisa doing community service, can you imagine ?:ohmy:

What's so weird about a nurses uniform? I was refering to a male nurses outfit, it is merely your warped minds that pictured me in a female nurses uniform. Shame on you, I feel violated.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Swmbo advised a work buddy who's just started cycling to join this forum as we seem a friendly bunch, she advised them to look out for me and my user name was Mr Hermaphrodite :cry:

Never has the need to correct someone been so strong.

Must be bad, never would i have thought you would venture to this thread, we are honoured oh wise one:thanks::biggrin:


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
I'm eating a rhubarb and custard sweet and I've got a lie in tomorrow. I don't start work until 11:hyper:.

Two posts in one :rolleyes:
Actually the most super bestest sweets ever made. Anyone who doesn't like them must have trouble with their taste buds.
In mundane news fashion, I wish I had some R&C's right now, giant buttons can do one.
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