Mundane News (Part 1)

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Leg End Member
Seen one! of your other posts.


Midlands UK
Waiting for TVC to have his shave and shower so then I can have my bath


Midlands UK
Is a cache a bit like a stash?

You put stuff in a tupperware box, hide is somewhere and go onto the geocache site to register it. Like minded people then go look for the cache and write in a book that is usually inside the box then you go online to register that you found it. A treasure hunt really, You can get free travel id tags and attach to an item of your choice called a travelbug, these can then be moved around for others to find. We picked up a green crocodile from a short distance from here and took it to Sydney Australia and took a picture of him with the Opera house in the background, I hope the owner of the bug was ok with that.
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