welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
And your own!
At just under a cubic metre a day.
Speak for yourself
And your own!
At just under a cubic metre a day.
I'm watching La Boheme on TV. @vernon's butler hasn't appeared yet.
I've often thought about playing the guitar again...
As suggested by @vernon I've just googled Amal spanner while Mrs R was looking over my shoulder. I'm in deep trouble.
I had an Amal carb on my Triumph Tiger Cub (which I bought in 1973)
I thought you'd have larger nuts Vern.
I had a BSA Bantam D7If it was a Monobloc carb then I've got the spanners to fit. I swapped my Tiger Cub for a BSA 175 Bantam Bushman. The Cub was a spiteful starter.