Not really, As if you do it’s an attempt to display that your more Intellectual, thus in a way saying your better then someone, some think that this is an attempt to deflect the argument in topic, some even believe that it is an attempt to knock others down as they have low self esteem, seeking approval from others.
Luckily your not so that’s ok,
A good response.
However, you might want to pay a little more attention to your elided use of the present tense in the second person of verbs. The lazy reader might take your stylised contraction of
'you are' to be a possessive pronoun.
Further, your reliance on the comma to provide pauses in your first sentence may militate against clear comprehension of your intended meaning. Consider making more use of the semi-colon and perhaps a full stop..
Take care when using capital letters where they are unnecessary. Doing so can add unintended emphasis to a word or phrase.
Similarly, I find double spacing of paragraphs a helpful aid to comprehension, although there is a danger that too much of this will fill the Internet before we've invented its replacement.
Also, do make sure you avoid posts that seek to offer grammatical advice but are in reality just a lot of old bollocks.
I hope I have helped but fear I have not.