I'm using muddy fox tights, shirt and a jacket, with some other SD cheap base layers and waterproof trousers. With the hope that as Autumn progresses it'll be fine. I'm commuting around 7.5 miles each way, so haven't had any issues with the padding (I was previously using standard shorts with none anyway).
I've no real complaints about any of the gear, I'm a wide cyclist so i was pleased to find some gear that actually fit me.
as winter sets in I may need to buy some better gear but I'm looking to try to last through winter with this basic kit, probably need some base trousers though as I'm sure the tights won't be enough when it gets colder.
Adding waterproofs on top and bottom and a running cap under the helmet just turned me into a sweaty water bomb on Monday evening though so I know I should be fine for a while yet!
I suppose I'm just saying, you get average kit for a cheap price but don't expect it to be as good as a premium brand. My impression overall is that it's not built to last.