Tin Pot
On my road bikes I "mickle method" the chains and it works well.
However, on my MTB despite the chain, cassette and chainwheel looking clean there is a definite grittiness to it after it has been mickled. On closer inspection there is still a fine sand on the inside of the chain plates.
Im thinking that for the MTB as it will be cleaned after each ride it will be worth getting a chain cleaner tool and degreaser and using a cheap lube (Currently using finish line Teflon that I use on my road bikes, but that will get expensive with regular MTB rides and re-lubing after each ride).
So.... Should I just mickle or degrease and re-lube after each ride? Or any other suggestions?
Thanks for your thoughts, Paul.
I'm afraid to clean my MTB, the pedals kept falling off until I sank into some clay and has been good ever since.
I'll buy another when it completely seizes up.
In your place though, I would only mickle it if it was in dire straits.