motovation needed

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My father in law has Motor Neurone Disease, in April his arm would not move properly, he is now completely paralysed and cannot feed or do anything for himself and completely wheel chair bound.

When I see him I think he would be so grateful to get out on a bike no matter what the weather. People at work think I am mad for cycling the 34 miles to work, but when I explain about him and what he would give to be able to cycle, makes them think twice.

I think i am lucky at 42 to be able to still get out there, and I would hate to look back and think I lost that time on my bike.

Hear, hear.
I work with disabled children and it makes me feel so fortunate that I can cycle. There but by the grace of God go I.
If you can, you should, you never know when you might not be able to again.


Just go for it, put on an extra shirt, stick loads of lights on your bike and get out there. try riding at night on dark unlit roads, its an ace feeling. You will be amazed at how much room drivers give you when they can't see you, only your lights and reflective bits. And once your rolling you forget that its a bit nippy.


CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
He was Windsor Davies.



I knows that...just thought Brian Blessed would be better!:tongue:


Active Member
Jason - go and visit your local cancer hospice mate, have a good look round at the unfortunate folks in there, many of whom are there til they die, notice how many of them are around your age..

Then get home, get your bike kit on and get out to train.

When you get back, having reflected on hom lucky you are - have a browse of the cancer charity sites and get some charity rides entered, tell people what you're doing to reinforce your commitment to raise funds, and get on with it !

Lifes too short.

Andrew Gray

New Member
Preston lancs
I have a heart condition that makes sure I keep getting on the bike. It is tough though. If you don't put a few mikes in each week you will lose your fitness levels even after 2! The good news is that you don't need more than an hour or so twice a week to maintain your levels. I have been mixing in a bit of running which although I am not very good at it keeps my body good at coverting oxygen. To maintain body strength, you only really need one simple exercise. Get a barbell, shove about 5kg on each end. With good form clean the weight to your chest then in one move keep it heading over your head. Lower to the floor and repeat. Keep going for about 3 minutes, rest one minute, then do it again. Continue for about half an hour. If it's too easy increase the weight slightly. Train with weights the days you don't do aerobic activity for best results. Again, a couple of times a week is enough.

Steve H

Large Member
Either we were all so good at motivating Jason (OP) that he hasn't stopped cycling all week...

... or his motivation has dropped so low that he can't work up the enthusiasm to switch his PC on any more.

Are you still there Jason? Did the inspirational posts get you out on your bike?


Active Member

Why don't you start a motivational ride around the Briggus are . I would be in as now I dont have a project have certrainly not cycled as much .
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