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Well-Known Member
I'm not wanting to start another thread bashing motorists but just wanted to guage peoples opinions.

Recently I've been doing some riding along a road that is popular with motorcyclists. I often find that as they can pass me without having to cross onto the other side of the road they often pass me at speed and don't leave an awful lot of space.

That combined with the noise a sports bike makes with it's throttle open and I find being passed by a motorbike a lot more unpleasent and worrying then most cars

What are other peoples experiences?


Legendary Member
Depends on the nature of the rider. Like motons some are inconsiderate others are a pleasure to share the road with.

However the speed at which some motor biker riders pass can cause a sharp of intake of breath.

I generally find the younger riders on moped, 125's are far more dangerous than those with more miles under their wheels.


Über Member
Not the Military Road is it Chris?
I went for a ride round the island last Friday and got 'buzzed' a few times by motorbikes.
Like the other guys state, most are ok, just the small few.

Off topic... spotted loads of riders, especially heading towards West Wight area :smile:


Nr Cambridge
They're some of the best & the worse road users about. A very high speed pass by a courteous rider who gives consideration to the speed difference gives me less concern than the average pass with half or a quarter of the speed difference by a car driver. That said some riders will squeeze past with inches to spare in when the road width is very restricted because they can.


I often find that as they can pass me without having to cross onto the other side of the road they often pass me at speed and don't leave an awful lot of space.

I have experienced similar. It happened to me on Sunday and gave me cause to think. I'm not sure it's a problem as such. I think there's something to do with the noise of the bike, and because perhaps they do pass without changing lane, that makes it more unsettling than a car passing. Because, in all honesty, I suspect that they are giving me more room than most cars do. I don't know in honesty, not quite made up my mind. That's not to say that some bikers don't buzz you but there are idiots on all modes of transport.


An Exceptional Member
alas you do get the odd idiot that thinks they're invincible, we go out on the motorbike and always give enough room to cyclists, but I think its because we cycle ourselves. Same said to Horse riders Hubby always switches off the engine and coasts past so not to scare the horse! Once we got a load of verbal abuse from a lady on horse back for just being on the motor bike! saying we were a bloody nuisance :unsure: Looks like some people tar all motorbike riders with the same brush without stopping to think that there are some decent MB riders out there. Like Yello says there are idiots on all modes of transport.

Rebel Ian

Well-Known Member
They're a menace

Great sweeping generalisation there. That's like saying all cyclists jump red lights. There are good motorcylists and there are bad ones. Same as there are cyclists, drivers and pedestrians.

I always give cyclists a wide berth whether in a car on a motorbike. It's not down to the mode of transport whether someone is an inconsiderate road user. It's down to the individual.

Edit - sorry, 2loose, I didn't see your post before I added mine but we obviously haad similar thoughts.


Just call me Chris...
I ride motorbikes and always give room for cyclists. The thing is that in all modes of transport there are idiots who use them.

Same as this really, I always give plenty of room when I pass on my motorbike (obviously) and I usually don't get any problems when it's the other way around.
I have, however, been buzzed by an idiot who passed me at full throttle doing in excess of 100mph a couple of feet away.
The noise, especially with a race exhaust, is frightening.

As mentioned in lots of other threads, a twat is a twat whether they're piloting a m/cycle, pushbike, car, lorry, whatever


Growing older but not up...
Once while out on my motorbike in Cambridgeshire, I was flat on the tank on a long, empty straight when I was buzzed by an RAF Jaguar which came from behind and screamed just above my head - now THAT made me jump!
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