Well-Known Member
Would absolutely love a Z1000J, -
Thanks for the kind comments - it's much appreciated
I haven't shown any photographs of my 'dearly beloved' Kawasaki Z.1000-J - But here it is - Normandy, France, 1984
Behold the 'newness' in that shot - Mint as F'k & to be honest, WAS a real 'head-turner' in it's day.
I had endless amounts of folk(s), all types, wanting to & asking to be photographed both 'on it' & beside it
I think that rather took me by suprise, honestly, but I had the same reactions to my equally lovely 1978 vintage GS.1000-E
Dunno as to how well this FLICKR image of her (from June 1984) will come out, but.....
Note the 'Reactolite Rapide' sunglasses resting upon the actual original saddle !
Mice chewed thru THAT particular original fitment some 10+ years later & I had to get it re-foamed & re-covered
The gloves were a strange 'Blue/Grey' leather combination that, by the time of THIS trip & photo', were getting knackered
They were replaced by a (back then), hideously expensive pair of German Leather 'Reusch' gloves, which I still have.
The Crash Helmet in question, is/was my 'then new' Bell Star III - Looked like Darth Vader from the front, c/with "muzzle".
Tank-Bag was a cheap & cheerful affair , but it done the trick & allowed me to 'navigate' via the suave Michelin maps.
As for the Kawasaki Z.1000-J itself, it is seen here ABSOLUTELY BOG STANDARD - (standard trim & original equip')
It's an 'A'-Reg "J.3" model & I bought it new from Daytona in Hornchurch by Roneo Corner, in Jan' 1984
Only additions are/were 'Rickman crashbars' (fitted from brand-new), plus a mud-flap w/ P&O Cruises & the ubiq' "G.B sticker"
Oh & of course 'the pretty wife' and the 'twin' throwover saddlebags which we left at the Chateaux, in Normandy.
I took this photo' of it, right besides the main beach wall, at the well-known "Invasion Beach", known as "UTAH"
P.S ; Yeah Cavalol - You're right - Kawasaki Z.1000-J's fetch around & above £10,000 thesedays - (prices for that era, are going silly)
P.P.S ; Almost forgot
Rear shocks seen here ARE the original Showas - weak spot(s), in an otherwise strong-link & great package.
Would cause the bike to "wallow" at around 115mph to 120+mph, so, after extensive testing - (Laughs !)
I went to go see Alf Hagon's Son & insisted on a brand-new set of Hagons, with the uprated srpings.
He tried to talk me out of it & go with standard-springs, but I stood my ground & surprisingly, was proven right !
"No more wallowing" at 120+mph....... and a VERY happy 'Hawny' into the process/bargain
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