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Über Member
what some ppl seem to be missing that even new cyclists find it hard to be motivated due to other factors like they are not seeing any progress with their rides whether its speed, distance or they might not be seeing the progress they expected because even if they are getting fitter the scales tell them they are not losing any weight (muscle mass is heavier than fat) they might look in the mirror and not notice any difference

Also time of year you take up a sport can be detrimental to motivation. im sure if i had just taken up cycling the weather we have had the past couple of weeks would dampen my spirits Especially if i did not have proper wet weather gear


Man or Moose!
Which is why we need the OP to come and tell us more in order to give sound advice. Until then, anything said is as good as a stab in the dark really.


Duty idiot
Leighton Buzzard
Thankis for the responses, all. Much obliged.

I cycle because my knees and ankles are kaput after 26 years of having the crap kicked out of me on a rugby field. I can't run as a result. The bikes - Cannondale Bay Boy (as mentioned by Rob3rt above), Stairmaster gym-spec exercise bike - are both fine, thanks.

I've been cycling for while, but am in a rut and need some fresh motivation. Just wanted to know what has worked for y'all.


Man or Moose!
What sort of cycling do you do? What are your aspirations as far as the bike goes?

Personally, I have found joining a club and training to race to be a great motivator.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Club, Audax or Sportive - whichever floats your boat.
As an ex-rugby player, I guess that a lot of your sport motivation comes from a sense of camaraderie, of a job done well together, and celebrating it at the end. Of relying on those around you to motivate you through the pain and suffering, knowing that you are doing it together.

Cycling can be a solitary activity, and many people enjoy it because it is so, getting away from the crowds and distractions, and spending time with your own thoughts. Others find that their head is telling them to quit and go home, and need something to quieten that inner voice. My experience is that this comes from group riding. From that you can move on to Audaxes (which you may find a bit beardy sandal-wearing, or you may love) or Sportives, where men posture in lycra, and you can compare times at the end.


Energy expended that you wouldnt do if you didnt cycle affords you to eat a little less sensibly....or consume more beer:boxing:
If that isnt enough, sell the bike:tongue:


Riding a bike needs to be built into your life. It needs to be habitual, something you do. Times when it goes wrong are when there's a break to the routine. Going away for a fortnight in October and coming back to a clock change broke my routine and its been hard work getting a new one.


Duty idiot
Leighton Buzzard
Managed to break my duck on Saturday with a 13 mile ride. More to come tonight.
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