motivation needed

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Hi Ali,

While the worry that you might encounter an idiot driver never really goes fully away, the trick is to dust yourself off and get straight back on as soon as possible before the thought of it becomes overwhelming.
After my big crash I had The Fear about riding along unlit roads at night for a long time, but thanks to @mcshroom's night ride last year it is no longer something that bothers me so much. And now I see that you've been out on the bike so that's great :wahhey:

As @Fubar said I too am in Perthshire although it's such a large place it would be difficult for me to suggest quiet routes for training purposes. I'm in the Carse of Gowrie and most of the roads around here are pretty quiet (flat too!) and if you head north of the Sidlaws there's lots of good, mostly quiet roads. Very hilly though!

Pick a destination not too far away, ride there, have cake and coffee, and ride back!
my fear is the downhill going round corners as thats where i side swiped the 4x4....i was better today than the last time out but still feel myself slowing right down with my heart pounding...
i know the carse of gowrie, im in scone :smile: it was on one the quiet rds round here that i came off...just bad luck we met on a blind bend.


Club Bun Runs are a standard offering and a really good introduction to group riding and extending your distances -
If you are near Kinross they have a very healthy club

EDIT: sorry I should have said that a "bun run" is exactly that - ride to a cafe in a group, get coffee and a bun, ride back - usually 30-40ish miles with options to extend the distance.
the 'bun run' sounds great, not near kinross but there maybe one nearer perth


as a derby born n raised lass, i can appreciate the joys of the area first thing in the the mornings are lighter im hoping to take advantage of these quieter times

Small world, if you ever come back to the area and want someone to join a ride with I wouldn't object.

Derby's traffic hasn't gotten any better though!

You mentioned descending on hills on another post, I am not a big descender, if there's a fear of going downhill I have it. I don't go down hill faster whether walking, running or cycling but I enjoy going up!

Knowing you've got good brakes to back you up can help confidence going down.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Hi @aliene! Welcome to CC :hello:
Sorry to hear about your off, it really unsettles one's cycling, good on you to be back on the bike so soon!
@Telemark beat me to it, I had googled the same Belles page for you. Do join them if you can, group riding is a great motivator, specially in this dreadful weather we are having.
If it makes you feel better, I'm scared of downhill too, even though I never crashed ... yet!
What event is your 100km?


Hi @aliene! Welcome to CC :hello:
Sorry to hear about your off, it really unsettles one's cycling, good on you to be back on the bike so soon!
@Telemark beat me to it, I had googled the same Belles page for you. Do join them if you can, group riding is a great motivator, specially in this dreadful weather we are having.
If it makes you feel better, I'm scared of downhill too, even though I never crashed ... yet!
What event is your 100km?
Hi @Pat "5mph" thanks
Ive signed up to do the cycletta scotland, i live in scone so its really handy on the doorstep :smile:
i looked at the perth belles page and popped a message on there, hopefully can meet up to do some group riding...definitely need practice in that area

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
definitely need practice in that area
Nay, you'll be fine, it's only 62 miles ... that sounds much better than 100km :okay:
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