Thank goodness for being fully awake and thinking to search threads first :S
I'm at the point where my bike tyres are worn enough to need replacing with something a lot more durable! I've just had to have my rear inner tube replaced (looked more like a rubber patchwork quilt tbh) and for an extra £4 got a Slime Smart Tube. An example of the state of my route is that taking it back from bike shop to mine yesterday I got a small puncture - I hadn't even got on to cycle the bloomin' thing but when I inspected the tyre at home (for no reason other than the fact that I liked the idea of inspecting my 'slime tyre') there was some green goo doing its darndest to seal the small hole.
Anyway... back to subject: Tyres need replacing, I'm thinking of splashing out next month on something a bit more puncture resistant due to state of roads and had actually seen a lot of good things about Marathon Plus (will mainly do commuting but some off road weekend rides happen
). I have 700 x 37C tyres, I've found a place that sells them up to 700x35C (
622/37) - underlined is what's said on my tyre too. Is that all right for my bike?