I can't agree on The Beatles at all. I don't like all the constant Mojo-type adulation, but any band that can produce such an awesome woozy psychedelic monster like It's All Too Much, the rifftastic Hey Bulldog, and the elegance of Dear Prudence - all three of which are amongst my favourite songs - is alright by me whatever else they might have done wrong.
There is no doubt that they are overrated - anyone who gets called the best band ever probably is - but they have some reason at least to merit that title. I still prefer several other English bands of the time, most notably The Kinks, who in my view are the greatest English band ever... and sorry, but if you don't at least appreciate that other great English band, The Smiths, you just don't get a lot of things about what was so shoot and so brilliant about the 1980s all at the same time. Of course Morrisey is a twat, but at the same time a really rather brilliant one for those few years.