Most overrated actor in a band on your favourite underrated album drinking Tea! in the cold on your

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Taking the biscuit
longers said:
I spotted a poster for a Keanu Reeves* film in a bus stop on my commute yesterday - it was minus 7 apparently in Glossop. And I had a cup of tea before I set off.

Do I win a prize?

*doesn't/didn't he have a band that wasn't/isn't very popular with people who aren't in the band?

His band were called Dogstar.


In a similar vein...
When anyone asks me the time, i occasionaly reply
'half past quarter twenty five to'

You'd be amazed how many people say 'thanks' and continue onward.
I think they hear 'half past'...and its all that registers :cursing:


Formerly known as djtheglove
It was, 'Meet My Maker The Mad Molecule' by 'You only live once', Who had a hit single called, 'Not over here over there'.

The lead singer won the tour de world in the record time of 5 days 3 hrs and 7 minutes

They were voted best band 1988

and worst band 1953.

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