Most frequent causes of cycling accidents

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New Member

Thanks, I have seen too many accidents/near misses so the macho "there are risks in everything so don't worry" although true to a certain extent does not mean take stupid risks. So far, I have survived a reasonably long and quite adventurous life in various parts of the world and come close enough to wiping myself out on a few occasions to make me not want to actually succeed (and to not want it to happen to any of my friends).




Well-Known Member
Women cyclists likely to suffer more accidents than men? Really??
And that's because we're obeying traffic rules? Isn't that what we're supposed to do........
I haven't had an accident yet (cycling in / around birmingham), but then i make sure i cycle a decent distance from the kerb so that cars aren't tempted to slide past me when there really isn't enough room. I also make eye contact at junctions, and when stopped at traffic lights i stop behind the middle of the car in front, so they can see me in their rear view and the car behind also can't miss me. Annoying probably, but i like to make myself as noticed as possible on the road.
Perhaps women cyclists tend to be more nervous ( yes, I'm generalising, I know) and this makes them a target for idiot drivers who like to overtake or 'dominate' cyclists?


Legendary Member
I am of the firm belief that trying to enforce your rights as a cyclist is akin to the driver of a soft skinned, unarmed military vehicle attacking an armoured, heavily armed tank, yes, you have the right to do this but you would be a complete and utter idiot to do so! If you assume you have no rights you will probably reduce your risk factor by about 60 to 70% immediately.

This is a great piece of advice and very well put. I am more of a motorcyclist than a cyclist but the same applies and I follow it. By doing that I have ridden 1000s of miles and cannot even remember a near miss or scarey moment.

Cycles are far easier to control than anything with a motor so be prepared to get out of their way and do not expect them to get out of your way.



New Member
I am of the firm belief that trying to enforce your rights as a cyclist is akin to the driver of a soft skinned, unarmed military vehicle attacking an armoured, heavily armed tank, yes, you have the right to do this but you would be a complete and utter idiot to do so! If you assume you have no rights you will probably reduce your risk factor by about 60 to 70% immediately.

This is a great piece of advice and very well put. I am more of a motorcyclist than a cyclist but the same applies and I follow it. By doing that I have ridden 1000s of miles and cannot even remember a near miss or scarey moment.

Cycles are far easier to control than anything with a motor so be prepared to get out of their way and do not expect them to get out of your way.


Thanks Steve, despite all the earlier part of my original post which is, I believe all relevant to safety when cycling I think the enforcing of rights is probably the most dangerous aspect of cycling.

Ride safe,



slower but no further
SE London
Ahem be very careful of aggregated statistics. A prime determinant is age. Young kids are inexperienced, adventurous but mostly ride off main roads. Hence in that group a higher proportion on incidents are rider only induced events of the ar*e over t*t variety.

Whereas with older experienced riders may not fall off so often but will be riding on greater risk roads. Hence more incidents will involve other road users and collisions have a different pattern of injury and/or death. For instance the oft quoted hight rate of London cycling deaths involving an HGV is not because there are many collisions but a high percentage are fatal.

And frankly the risks are very different in London to, say, a rural area. That is conflicts, even incidents may be higher but the consequences less serious.

Hence the best answer is if the OP was to say where and who. Otherwise the question is pretty meaningless.


Über Member
Have been hit by a motorist who was too dozy to look when opening her car door, on a cycle path of all place's.

Chased by a bad tempered cow (not to mention the one with the broom)
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