So what's the most desirable road bike for £1k?
By desirable I mean factoring in depreciation. So which bike at this price level loses less value in say 12 months?
Depreciation is a measure desirability, but other factors are design, specification, colour scheme, brand, fit etc, many of which are very personal preferences.
What do you think?
Personally i never give a fig about depreciation, its doesnt figure in my original choice.
The other desires are uniquely personal and are almost as wide as the variety of bikes available.
Colour, design, equipment, right down to the aesthetics are important and as you say, personal choices.
I'm not sure you can measure depreciation...something's worth what somone is prepared to pay on the day. Bad day, good item, you still may not realise its potential value.
My well used but well cared for Bianchi, purchased for £550, well used for circa 4 years, sold for £320...which TBH i wouldnt have paid for it, but someone was happy (i hope) with the price and what they got for it.
As a side issue, cars and depreciation....however bad you think yours is, an ex MD from a company i used to work for had a Bentley, cost circa £200K.
IIRC, he traded it in for a Continental and got £100K back for it. £100K in 2 years, maybe a bit more....thats around £1000 a WEEK in depreciation