More than an egg a day?

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back and brave
Love poached eggs on toast. So eggs are ok then, as many as I want?

Who knows? The "one a day" advice I read is not going to stop me. I had 3 this morning. That said, I might not have 3 a day, every day since that maybe exceeds the general principle of moderation!


I get through 4-6 eggs every day, my workmate has small holding & she brings me in eggs (inc Duck & Qail too), prior to working with her I'd eat maybe 1 or 2 a day.


Somerset UK
Eggs contain cholesterol. It was believed that eating cholesterol would raise your blood cholesterol. This isn't believed to be true anymore. Enjoy your eggs.
A falsehood which was debunked about 15 years ago.

The British Heart Foundation website has a short article HERE - the bit about what you eat with the eggs needs to be read! Apart from that it's just eat as many as you like.

I usually eat at least 2 a day, often more, but don't ride your bike too close behind me if it is more :blush:
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back and brave
Recent research has also shown that moderate egg consumption - up to one a day - does not increase heart disease risk in healthy individuals and can be part of a healthy diet.

See, there it is again, "one a day" says the research.

Yet the advice given by the Dept of Health is "no recommended limit". How does that advice come from the research? By way of the egg marketing board?! :laugh:
Hmm, this paper seems to be the one BHF is referring to

Our data suggest that infrequent egg consumption is not associated with the risk of HF. However, egg consumption of > or = 1 per day is related to an increased risk of [Heart Failure] among US male physicians.

So, average one a day, I guess. Or take a risk, it's probably not the most dangerous thing you do :smile:

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Has anyone mentioned the human form of being eggbound?

I was told years ago too many eggs lead to constipation.

No idea if that's right or wrong.


Although the first line in that paper before you even get to the results and conclusions is pretty questionable itself...
Reduction in dietary cholesterol is widely recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Seems to be inline with a lot of dodgy research carried out from the 50s onwards that contained selection bias and other issues to support a hypothesis that gained traction despite various evidence showing otherwise.

The idea that dietary fat and cholesterol are bad for you has been somewhat over-egged (sorry...)


back and brave
Has anyone mentioned the human form of being eggbound?

I was told years ago too many eggs lead to constipation.

No idea if that's right or wrong.

I believe the term actually applies to hens, a condition that stops them laying eggs. Nothing to do with human constipation at all!

Maybe the term was metaphorical and got into urban legend?? Dunno.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I believe the term actually applies to hens, a condition that stops them laying eggs. Nothing to do with human constipation at all!

Maybe the term was metaphorical and got into urban legend?? Dunno.

I'm sure you are right about the correct meaning of the term.

I also tend to agree with your urban legend point.


North London
Anything can be "proven" bad for you if enough of those studied have an unhealthy diet. Most people with poor diets tend to lie to themselves and others, making a 20 year study based on the participants honesty somewhat questionable.

young Ed

no... dinner's at dinner time.:okay:
of course dinners at dinner time! well you wouldn't eat dinner in the middle of the day would you? :whistle:
for my family dinners about 19:00 and same here if i'm not working, if i'm working it's often as late as about 23:00!
It's breakfast, dinner, then tea. :biggrin:
no, no, no! it's tea, breakfast, tea, tea again, lunch, tea, tea again, tea once more, and another tea, dinner, tea again, and one final tea before bed! :cuppa:
Love poached scrambled eggs on toast. So eggs are ok then, as many as I want?
:biggrin: :hungry:

Ian A

Über Member
Anything can be "proven" bad for you if enough of those studied have an unhealthy diet. Most people with poor diets tend to lie to themselves and others, making a 20 year study based on the participants honesty somewhat questionable.
There's so much written on this that it's unfunny. There's a great article doing the rounds on how a fake study was able to trick the the story hungry press.
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back and brave
It's called lying.

That people believe what they read, or are told, is not surprising as we are all basically decent people. We don't distrust as a first line response. We might be sceptical or uncertain but not often do we out and out dismiss straight away.

It's why we are susceptible to scams, fraud, etc. Even practical jokes. It doesn't make us stupid, gullible perhaps, but definitely human.

Journalists ought check their sources though! That's just standard practice!
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