More money than sense?

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Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I think my ideal car would be an electric 2CV.


Über Member
Had a yellow banana yellow Mexico as a 18 year old which I never really appreciated...imagine being able to afford a car and insure it yourself on an apprentices wages nowadays 🙄
Anyway I'm up for selling a kidney for one...but will it give me my youth back ?
The Mexico was the boy


Stubborn git
It’s not really a “restomod”; that is a car that has been restored and modified. It’s a “continuation”, meaning they are brand new cars, newly-built with continuation chassis numbers, but designed to meet current regs.

My bad. I thought they classed as restomods as they bought the chassis blueprints from Ford for the Escort and RS200 and weren't full factory cars.

There are so may of them out there now though.

Given the choice i'd go for one of the MST Evo designs



I cannot see the attraction...

I think a gt40 is way cooler.

Or an Audi quattro....

Or a E type...

Or a Ferrari F40 etc.


Legendary Member
It would appear that they've moved 'Boreham' from Essex to County Durham, I didn't think the police would take kindly to cars buzzing round their helicopter.


I'd absolutely love it; if I was a multi-millionaire I'd rather buy that than a Bugati Veyron or a Lambo. But then again, I'm sure it would be cheaper to buy an original and pay someone to completly restore it? That's if you can find one of course

This is what makes more sense, buy an original and modernise it as much as you want for a lot less.
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