lets hope they surface it better than they have between rhyl and penrhyn bay north wales. its absolutely sh--e!!!! theyve used a cheep slurry material thats breaking up all over the place. like trying to ride a jack hammer, hence why i stay on the road.
Intro: I am writing this, in my new stile of the month.
This is to try to add some variety to my own post's
Because I have noticed that some of the older end tend to write like they
have just legged it out of the door of a home; and have bored the young, almost to a death wish.
(A new paragraph) I have to put this in because “They” are on witch hunt on grammar, spelling and punctuation.
This post all started when a happened to mention The Love Boat.
Well for your information the road from Rhyl to the castle thingy on the hill.
Was fine a OK late last year, from then on I was on “the TRAIL”
that's just fine because It's now swept once a Month.
So, you can now leave the camel-bike at home, and Lawrence has moved further down the coast.