The driver pulls out from being behind the give way markings / level with the edge of the road he's joining to be confronted by a vehicle traveliing the wrong way on the carriageway in the cycle lane.
While there's some legitimacy in criticising the driver's lack of observation, he'd not be anticipating pedestrians in front of the vehicle as it now blocks the entirety of the path (so if continuing straight off the path onto the junction they'd walk into the side of the car), plus they travel slowly so it would be reasonable to assume that if there were none within a few metres there would be no perceived hazard.
Our man on the scooter on the other hand is travelling faster than a typical ped and is on the road, travelling in the wrong direction. Could certainly have been avoided with a bit more driver attention paid; however the bellend in this story is clearly the scooterist.
I think the driver was very restrained and personally I'd have bestowed many f*cks upon our contraflow commando as he's just asking to get run over.
EDIT: It could have been a lot worse; what most of us do when we pull left out of a junction? Quick glance left to check nowt's where it shouldn't be anyway, longer look right to check nothing's coming from where it could legitimately be, quick glance left again as you pull out. Driver pulled out fairly cautiously and just touched the bloke when he spotted him - imagine if there had been a vehicle coming from the right and the driver made a snap decision to pull out sharply - could have been a lot worse for the nobber on the scooter..