Get Rigid Raider on the trail; he's pretty experienced in tracking people down! :D
Dayvo just passin' through Location 59° 50′ 5.55″ N, 10° 47′ 41.89″ E 10 Jun 2008 #16 Get Rigid Raider on the trail; he's pretty experienced in tracking people down!
T Trillian New Member 10 Jun 2008 #17 wanna post the stolen number on here so we can bombard the guy who's knicked it with prank calls not that i would condone such activity...
wanna post the stolen number on here so we can bombard the guy who's knicked it with prank calls not that i would condone such activity...
Fnaar Smutmaster General Location Thumberland 10 Jun 2008 #18 we could all ask him to fettle our bottom bracket... he'd get fed up with it after the tenth call