(Slightly OT, but...) I used to have a fry up at the same cafe pretty much every day. Been going there for well over a year, when one day my tomatoes were both burnt and stone cold, so when I settled up, I said I'd rather not pay for the tomatoes. 'Why not?' she asks, with this rather surly look. 'Because they were burnt and stone cold'. Sez I. To which I can't help feeling the correct answer to a guy who's been putting £25 a week through your till for 18 months is 'I'm sorry about that. Have the lunch on us. See you tomorrow.' Instead of which I get a filthy look and she grudgingly knocks off - and I notice - not the 60p the tomatoes are listed at, but 50p. Needless to say, I've never been back. She's probably about three grand down by now.