Minor Races 2023 / 2024 Spoilers !

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First showdown of the season between WvA, MvdP and Pidcock today in Antwerp.

Field duly crushed by MvdP. WvA a distant second (just back from a training camp) and Pidock 7th (although sick apparently).

If I read right, he missed his grid call, and started on the 2nd row! (Despite the front riders offering him a slot - "it was my fault" ). But it sounds like Matthieu would have romped home anyways!


Über Member
Another cross race, another MvdP exhibition. Somewhat livened up by him swerving over to the barriers on the final lap and gobbing over some spectators.

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Legendary Member
Another cross race, another MvdP exhibition. Somewhat livened up by him swerving over to the barriers on the final lap and gobbing over some spectators.

I know he was getting a bit of stick...booing but it's pretty disgusting spitting at crowd like that.


Legendary Member
Quite deliberate so the police could be calling.
Reading a bit on it Mike and seems like it could of been Pee as well as abuse thrown at him...I can understand the frustration and wanting to chin someone.But the spitting at a crowd like that is disgusting as far as I'm concerned
Id of preferred him to get off and deal with them


Legendary Member
Well let's see if this turns out to be true...

Official announcement: my crush on MVDP is over. The spectators were APPALLING but spitting is NOT sexy.

Signor Ganna...over to you for 2024.


Legendary Member
I know I shouldn't... But that made me laugh.

No! No! Not the 250 CHF fine! Please, anything but that!

That'll teach him.
Had to Google the exchange rate to see how much it was 🤣
Get a worse fine for having your socks too long....
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