If you asked that question to an American, they would quote you a range of so many Dollars a year income for each class. For them, their class system is fundamentally about earnings power. Not in this country though, at least not in a strict linear relationship. Our class system in this country is more about attitudes and culture. Money does play a part and generally the higher up the strata you are, the more wealthy you'll be, but it's not black and white. I'm 100% working class, yet I have a job in which I can earn a fair bit of money if I do the overtime hours - quite possibly I have a higher disposable income than a lot of people that I would refer to as "middle class". Culturally though, they and I are a world apart. I don't believe in busybodies poking their noses in other peoples business, and I believe that adults should take personal responsibility for doing stupid things, and not seek to pass the buck on to someone else. If you drink yourself to death or OD on drugs, you knew what you were doing and you got what you deserved. It's not the job of the nanny state to prevent people self-destructing - if that's the path they choose to go down.