mini dv md80 camera...

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I gave up at 55 minutes - the file was 840 mb (the largest one so far was about 1.6GB).

If you can be bothered, maybe try again until it stops. Then try again without plugging it in to see if it only works for a very short time. That might indicate that the battery is spent.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Thanks for your help g00se.

looks like it was not getting a full charge, i will try an hour via the mains tonight and see what i get on my commute tomorrow.


Not sure about the main lead, but with USB:

When it's charging, the red light (nearest the start button) is constant and the blue on flashes. when fully charged, the blue is constant too.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Pasted from bike radar, think its a slightly different variant

andyp79 wrote:
I took the plunge and ordered one of these. Arrived today.

Works fine, but the "instructions" are seriously pish. Trying to adjust or delete the time and date, but it's not happening.

Hope to give it a road test at Carron Valley this weekend. Seems alright for the cost of the thing. Absolutely tiny!


It is all explained in the previous pages..... I have a notepad page of stuff I cut and pasted from other users. Let me find it and post it as it may help others.
I would point out that I remember you MUST leave a space (hit the spacebar) after the seconds.

Here is info from others - take no credit.

You need to open the root folder of the card in Windows, create a new text file, call it TAG.txt, open the file and type


Don't forget to leave a space at the end of each line.

(at least that's what I did yesterday - adjust the date/time to suit)

Close and save the file

turn off camera

turn on

date should be set

(ignore the file on the CD, make your own)

The advice I was given was that when the batteries run low the red and blue lights stay on and the unit locks out (can't turn on/off), recharge and that should fix it. Worked for me anyway.

Press the power button and the blue light is solid and the red light flashes briefly. hit record and the blue light is still solid with the red light flashing once a second. When you press stop the red light flashes quickly for approx a second then goes off.

windows movie maker
Didn't have it in 'vox' mode? In vox mode it will turn on when it picks up a sound over 60Db or thereabouts and run for 2mins. Power on and press the mode button, if the red light flashes quick then you're in vox mode, if just a solid blue light then you're in normal record mode, ie press the record button on top.

For those not sure what the lights on top mean regarding the record modes have a lookie at my Youtube clips, not the best quality with lighting but you only need to see the pretty lights.

Vox Mode

Normal Record Mode

Hope that sheds some light on the lights on the camera.

Try VLC player, the file is probably incomplete and therefore slightly corrupt. RP, QT and WMP dont handle "unfinished" video files very well.
+1 for VLC, it has all the codecs already included so there is no need to download/use any more. is the webby place to look for it or maybe filehippo.

This might be helpful for some if you wish to remove that annoying time and date stamp at the bottom of the screen.

VirtualDub from sourceforge for editing ot the videos.


ok - after leaving it on pc charge all night it now seems to be working - took vid of my car trip to work and the clarity is amazing! its now sat on my pc charging again and this time the red light is on all the time and blue light is flashing.

so mine does the following:

red and blue on constant - locked out - needs a good re-charge
red on constant and blue light flashing - usb charging
red flashing and blue on constant - recording
red off and blue on constant - power on but not recording.
blue only means on, blue and slow flash red is recording, blue and fast red flash is on voice active mode, this turns to slow red when it hears a sound and starts rec. it does some flashing on startup, and and the red flashes fast when you stop rec. thats the most of it...
mine is like this
red and blue solid = charging
blue on = power on
blue on red slow flashing = power on recording
blue on red rapid flashing = power on saving video
blue on red fast flashing = power on vox mode on​


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I use
SolveigMM AVI Trimmer
to cut the relevant clip out .You can use windows moviemaker to do the same but i think my pC needs a new hamster to power it and i find the former quicker.
You can then uplaod the video to your youtube acount.

Just a note i found the avi files large and with my slow connection speed i reduced them in size by converting them to wmv files


New Member
Battery life

g00se said:
I can get about an 45 minutes recorded fine. Prob longer but usually recharge it after that.
Ive also got the cloned MD80 camera its got a 2 gig card,
the trouble is on a fully charged battery the battery goes flat after 25 minutes..........have tried re-charging it about 6 times with the same results, wonder if anyone else has this problem....


As long as I breathe, I attack.
With 2 gig i think you are filling the card so it auto shuts off?

Did a test today 53 mins = a full 4 gig card (3.68 gb) you lose a bit with the way they market cards 4 gig = 4096 mb not the 4000 mb that they really are
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