Mileage for the Year

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Just realised, its my last commute tomorrow, got to work on Friday but its only a half day and it'll end up in a pub, I think I'll take the bus :biggrin:.
So far Ive clocked 2823 miles, the last commute will take it too 2830. 5800mls on all three bikes but if the weather's good when I'm off this will go up.


mrben said:
Little analog odometers that worked with cogs and the like (I assume). My dad had one on his bike when I was a kid - a little spoke attachment knocked a cog attached to the axle/forks which had a little display much like the odo in a car.
I had one of those too! Strictly speaking, 'digital' - after all it did have a display with digits. No means of calibrating it - if you used 27" wheels, you just had to buy one intended for a 27" wheel and no option. Went "click click click" forever, until one day when the blessed thing went "click click click CLUNK CLUNK! CLUNK!! RIP! TWANG!!!" as the odo itself slipped round and took out your spokes ...:biggrin:

Mileage for the year? Oh, yes, all right: pretty pathetic for me but I have had a fair deal of back problems. I think I will total about 2700 miles.
Wow some people have done loads! Ten thousand miles!!

I have done around 2000, worked out as follows:

9 miles a day commute 5 days a week = 45 miles a week
Minus 4 weeks holiday
Minus 3 weeks working away from home
The odd missed day, balanced out by the odd Saturday shopping trip
So 44 weeks at 45 miles = about 2000.

That has impressed me actually:biggrin:, as I'm not especially hardcore or even that fit! Having said that I do cycle in all weathers, as the alternative (the bus) is too terrible to contemplate....


New Member
According to my cycling calendar, my annual stats are:

3215 miles (commutes + weekend rides)
36% of my commute journeys by bike (avg 23 miles return journey).
The last 1,000+ miles on a fixed gear bike.
10 pun?t??es
Rained heavy on 5 days of my commute.

Hit my target of 3,000 miles which I set last year.
I kept a running monthly total and set a monthly target of 250+ miles a month. I could double this for next year, but school run, wife's shifts and work hours make this impractical.
Feeling and looking in better shape for it.

Set your New Years resolution/targets now!
Since 12th Sep 06 i have done 25347, which is not a lot compaired to a lot of you ladies and gents.
My daily commute is about 3.15 miles twich a day and I work over five days and I still have 2 more commutes to work of 2007 and my first commute is the 1st Jan 08

I will keep a rough commute diary for 08 and let you know at the end of the yr


New Member
Morrisette said:
Wow some people have done loads! Ten thousand miles!!

Don't worry, the real mileage monsters don't have time to look at threads like this!

I've done about 1,133 leagues this year.


Legendary Member
Jaded said:

When these Cyclometers were in vogue cyclists just cycled and did not waste time talking about it on internet forums.:rolleyes:


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Terminator said:
Have you got a speedo on your skates?:rolleyes:

LOL, not quite! But I do tend to skate known distances or routes, so I can work the rest out. I don't count the rolling around during lessons, because that's too slow and relatively small anyway.


Senior Member
Pffff those are what old people had on their bikes. Mine was like this:



Senior Member
Well I suppose the same way it knew miles per hour. I guess it couldn't be calibrated for different wheel sizes. My Dad put it on for me.

It looked way cool on my blue grifter anyway.
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