Michelin Pro3 and the Fairy

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Legendary Member
I wonder if there's a regional element to this? Up here in the NW we've had rain almost every day for the last couple of months and the roads are very clean when they dry out. Is it possible that in the SE your roads are actually covered in fine debris that hasn't been washed away?


New Member
I have ridden with both and they have there merits. More grip with the Pro 3 but not the same longevity (especially if you use on a turbo!!! doh) but more miles with the Kyrlion but these tended to slip more in the winter. never noticed either losing air pressure

Hope you get it sorted


Last of the Summer Winos
I've just put the Krylion back on.

I've obviously been on the fairies sh1t-list for the last few weeks. Hopefully now the 3BikesMcginty has tempted their ire they'll leave me alone and go after him. :smile:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Pro3's are a bit expensive for commuting. I'm happy with my Lithion 2's for commuting.

Pro 2's are on my other 2 bikes and had very few 'deflations' over the last few years with the Pro tyres - had two actually, both within two rides - hit a 'big hole' - pinch flat - second time was looking for same hole, missed it and got caught again.

I think you've been unlucky.

Fiona N

Had a bit of a shocker last night - I took the bike out of the garage for a wash before Sunday's forum ride (it got a bit dirty last ride but not bad enough to require immediate action but I do hate riding a dirty best bike :angry:) and noticed that the (mostly obscured by the mudguard) back tyre seemed to have picked up a load of crap.
On closer inspection, it wasn't crap of any description but the innards of the tyre. The rubber had completely worn away around the whole circumference and I still didn't get a puncture :becool:

As I'd checked it for nicks and whatnot before the event, I now know that it takes 600km to reduce a PR3 from fine to completely finished.

Both punctures I've had with these tyres have been on the front, so I've riden a tyre to death without ever getting a puncture in it. Great :biggrin:


Free-wheeling into oblivion...
Bit of a bump, but I've just bought two Krylions in black/red for just over £40 (for the pair inc del !) from ChainReaction


Banned member
South West
The cause of the flats might be linked to the roads you have been riding on (as you state that you've been pulling glass and metal out of the tyre). Can any lightweight road tyre stand up to that?


Well-Known Member
All of my punctures so far have been caused by slivers of glass in combination with wet roads, it seems the wet either hides glass so you ride straight through it, or it causes the glass to stick to the road rather than bouncing away when disturbed, or the glass sticks to the tyres.

All I know is this, I've now got a second set of wheels with gatorskins on them that I can use if I know I'm going to be riding in the rain..

EDIT: Yes I do check my tyre pressure before riding, I run 23s at 110psi and 25s at 120psi.

Water is like a lubricant as well. Theres no friction between the rubber and the glass to stop the glass penetrating further.

You sound like you are having the same trouble with PR3s as I had with GP4000S. Couldn't go more than ten miles between punctures yet I have seen other people do 70 miles on them in one ride. I had my PR3s for 2000 miles and had 2 punctures.
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