He might be brown bread? Though you'd think if he was,someone'd tell us.
Nah he's more Sangria and flip flops..brown bread has no soul
He might be brown bread? Though you'd think if he was,someone'd tell us.
.....and his mate that grows vegetables.Another Mia is @User,
Gone since May......and his mate that grows vegetables.
Gone since May.
The mods had the audacity to moderate him or was that regulate..
He dissapeared after that...no flounce tho
There's a good few that would be MIA if I was CC dictator...
Someone full of bull e t? Plenty on here Rich...I'll need some sharpshooters for the culled up against the wall.
Anyone know of a Rambo wannabee CC member who is always banging on about guns and weapons - it seems unlikely but there might be someone who fits the bill...
I'll need some sharpshooters for the culled up against the wall.
Anyone know of a Rambo wannabee CC member who is always banging on about guns and weapons - it seems unlikely but there might be someone who fits the bill...