Merde Alors!

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back and brave
Here in France, meanwhile, there was a very small story about this two days ago, and since that, no coverage at all that I’ve seen.

Yep. That was my take too.

Apparently French champagne is significantly more expensive than the Russian stuff and consumers are aware of the difference. No diplomatic incident was reported.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Well, FWIW, I dislike the gassy sugary stuff (whatever it is called) so there :tongue: "Sacre bleu" I hear a nation scream.


Legendary Member
Champagne can only be called champagne if it is produced in the champagne region so that's all there is to it. Case closed.
Unfortunately, petulantly adding the words "case closed" does nothing to resolve the situation. I suggest the French stop their favourite passtimes of drinking wine for breakfast, blockading English lorry drivers, and shrugging when asked a difficult question, and raise an army to give these reds a bloody good bop on the nose.
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