Obviously an Aubergine
I make the breakfasts, I'm a dab hand at porridge and toast, and lunchtime sandwiches. I also wash all the dishes.
My wife, however, cooks 95% of the evening meals. This is entirely her choice as she is a brilliant cook who actually likes it. She's one of the old school who did 'O' level cookery, before it became home economics, and can make a good meal out of scraps, and every time I do get to cook a main meal she is on my shoulder, supervising. I am allowed to chop the vegetables.
It works for us. A few years back she was in hospital for a year and I must admit my cooking was not wonderful. I lived for that year on salads, omelettes, and stews, because I could cook a large one and make it last three days. I also did all the cooking for a couple of months until she got back on her feet and then she insisted on taking over again.
There is nothing wrong with division of labour in a house, as long as all parties want it and no-one is being put upon, and equality is not a statistical exercise in doing every single thing equally.
Well yes, the whole thing in the op is incredibly clumsily done, a bit dated, and very patronising.
I genuinely thought it was a spoof.
Of course the basic premise is that everyone should be pulling their weight, and that both parties should be doing their fair share.
Who does what, is down to an individual couple, their circumstances, and their various talents and preferences.
If this is a genuinely contemporary campaign, then I guess somebody 'cooked' it up because they thought there was a need.
Next time they should just send any recalcitrant chaps, over to us at Cycle Chat for their re education.
We're clearly wayyy ahead of the field on all this.