Thanks for the help, 2 litres of water and a few bananas + cereal bars sounds like a plan, cheap and cheerful (thats ususally what I take when mountain walking, trying to kick a caffeine habit atm so chocolates on hold for a while

Yeah taking it easy to begin with sounds like a good idea thanks, 25Km in there is a 10 km climb of ~160m, I worked out about 2% for the first 5 km and 1.6% km for the second half. Which although doest sound too steep, sounds like it might be a little draining (almost the length to and fro work but in 1 climb

). The rest is all up and down, mostly 4K 1-2% ascents / decents.
Lol 62.18, looked at my route again, made a small course change to go round a couple of vallys instead of over down and up again, will work out to 104.30 kms apparently, so all is good
I'll see if I can get out this weekend for a test cycle, although its not looking good so far.
Lol forgot about wind, that would be a pain. I dont mind the rain, quite like cycling + mountain walking in it, feels a little more elemental / good after finishing if you see what I mean
Resisting the urge to by lycra.... but heard it might be more comfortable for longer cycles?.. might buy some but hide it under my cycling trousers
Thanks again,