Me li'l bike like!

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New Member
LMAO! front spindle? what would that be then?
Agree with Joe, if you are comfortable, that's the main thing. Your saddle does look as if it's pointing down quite a lot tho!

As for the front spindle, it's the hub at the front, i.e. the thing in the middle of your should according to some sizing guides be obscured by the handlebars when you are on the hoods...if you can see it in front, the bike is too large. Then again, a lot of people do disagree with that method - generally works for me tho.


the correct size frame is the one that fits and there is no exact size that is right. It depends on your body shape the type of riding you intend using the frame for and the frame's geometry .
Suggested frame sizing is just a starting point ,a guide only and not a fixed rule.

The difference between 58cm and 60 cm is just 20mm ....less than the thickness of your little finger !:becool:
The difference between one persons leg and foot length and another of the same height could be more than 3x times 20mm .
These differences are adjusted by crank length seatpost height and stem height and length .

A large frame will feel very relaxed and inherently safe whereas a compact frame will probably feel fast ,edgy and alive and perhaps a bit unstable .

I recommend that riders experiment with frame sizing and geometry and component settings .You might find that the frame you have been recommended might not be the most comfortable or suitable for the riding you do.


New Member
Thanks guys, I've checked out the seat and it's definitely parallel - it must be the angle of the pics I guess? I've been riding the bike for a month now and have had no real problems (I had neck/shoulder pain but worked out it was due to tensing up when going up step hills and 'grinding it out') I've done 35 miles as the max in one continuous ride and the only 'niggle' I had was slight lower back aching buts that's been nominal and I think it's due to me being anewby rather than bike sizing - and I thought lower back pain was due to a smaller frame and 'crouching' when riding??


New Member
erm...when I say parallel...erm....well it's not! I just put a spirit level on it and it's very definitely not! lol!! It seems comfortable enough though so I'll leave it as is me thinks? I checked and whilst riding on the hoods I can't see the spindle at all so i figure it's the right size after all?
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