Mass arrests 'Critical Mass' cycle ride during Olympics opening

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Evil communist dictator, lover of gerbils & Pope.
I have changed my post to reflect that I demand an apology from your well below the belt attempt to hit me. Your remark was a total disgrace and falls well below the standards in a civilized society.

Apology demanded.
Your sexist drivel in the post it was in reply to

You means those who has never lived together with a female and still think they know how to deal with them ?

was also well below the standards that society demands, so we can have a two way apology or call it quits. And I think if we went back through your posts, I could pull out at least 5 posts where you personally insult Dell in all seriousness in contrast to the clear joke I posted, wheras I could have just put "Back off, you sexist, gormless troll".

Women don't require being "dealt with", nor do men.


pre-talced and mighty
All this bollocks about CM being some postmodernist collective of 'individuals'

Its bollocks. They're just tossers.
going for the record?

to quote the ever excellent Zimmers - chillax! And sit back and enjoy the action..



OK........ reading my sexist drivel..... well, you got a point. A valid one. S****..... That was a lame post by myself. :blush: Apology offered !!!

Your reference to my dead mother was also sexist drivel too, btw. Not to mention a hit well below the belt. But that did not make my own stupidities any better.


Evil communist dictator, lover of gerbils & Pope.

OK........ reading my sexist drivel..... well, you got a point. A valid one. S****..... That was a lame post by myself. :blush: Apology offered !!!

Your reference to my dead mother was also sexist drivel too, btw. Not to mention a hit well below the belt. But that did not make my own stupidities any better.

Apology accepted.

Okay, as promised am also very sorry, had no idea that your mum was no longer with us and would never have made that reference if I did. I am especially extra sorry if it genuinely upset you as that is never my motivation.

Note to self: *Must stop being so ****ing snipey*


Secret Lemonade Drinker
going for the record?

to quote the ever excellent Zimmers - chillax! And sit back and enjoy the action..
Quote from the film, "..and it's out to Harden (on?) .......penetration from him........"

Where's Fnaarr when we need him?


Wow there's definitely some reaction here

I thought the whole point of CM was that it was individuals, to the point that the only regular atendees I know well (surprisingly enough there isn't a CM Cumbria so I haven't attended one myself) go to the start, ride for a few minutes then leave the ride and retire to the pub. I don't know if it stands for anything or whether it's actually an entity at all, but hundreds of people on bikes will be as varied as hundreds of people in cars/on foot I would expect.

Whether it was an anti Olympic protest this time, or an anti Zil-lane or whatever, considering (from the newspaper reports I've seen) they didn't arrive in North London until after the start of the ceremony, surely it would have been better to just leave them cycling round in circles until people got bored and discipated, in the same way as CMs usually seem to end. Then again I don't know whether the kettling started first or the ride started trying to puncture police lines before anything started.

Unfortunately if one group starts courting confrontation, the other side gets more comfrontational (whichever way round you want to apply that) and between the two the situation gets to the point where a load of arrests were made and probably at least a few assaults were commited on police officers and cyclists.

Do I think it was stupid for the CM to head for the highest security area of the capital? - yes.
Do I think this was overblown by heavy-handedness? - quite possibly.

Noone has supported the use of violence (with the possible exception of someone who signed up to post/troll and was given short shrift by both sides), despite some of the accusations made by some posters. What each side of this argument has done is excuse agression from one side or the other (police/cyclist) dependant on who they believe is 'to blame'.

This discussion hasn't exactly been friendly though (calling others liars, names and referring to blow up dolls spring to mind). Calm down! :smile:

As for whether it's useful or not to me, I have no idea. Infuriating motorists in the area around where law makers are driving isn't going to do much for cycling nationally, then again if you consider how much money London has spent on cycling (and transport in general) per capita recently to all the rest of the UK combined, it may be having a local effect.

(Now ducks)
Can you please take your level-headed reasonableness elsewhere. I mean, where's the fun in that? Some people, tcha....
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